You have financial problems. Life happens! I get it. You may be in a situation you never dreamed would happen to you. I see it every day! Unexpected medical bills are piling up. Your spouse loses their job and hasn’t been able to find work. These things cause you to fall behind on your mortgage or car payments. What should you do? Before solving any problem, shouldn’t you look at all of your options before trying one over another?
How Most People Seek Relief from Debt….
1. Borrow Money from one credit card to make payments on another card
**people think they will do this for one month until they are caught up, but often they are never able to catch up
2. Borrow Money from friends and family
***what will this do to your relationship if you are unable to pay them back
3. Sign up with a Debt Consolidation company, which promises they will eliminate your debts. Unfortunately, this is almost never the case and more often than not you spend thousands of dollars before you realize it isn’t working.
***I have yet to hear of a success story with Debt Consolidating companies from someone I have spoken to
4. Raid your Retirement accounts to try and pay down your debt
***this option leaves you with nothing for retirement
5. Schedule a consultation with an Attorney specializing in dealing with consumer debt
***This should be your first option!
Most people exhaust every possible option before coming to talk with me. I applaud them for trying to repay their debts. However, they often waste months, sometimes years, spinning their wheels and getting nowhere. This is time that could have been spent rebuilding credit and getting life back on track. I can present to you all possible options for your unique situation allowing you to make an informed decision on the best course of action.
Stop banging your head against the wall! You have options!
Phone: 317-841-0315
Fax: 317-841-0758
Email: jtmlaw@hotmail.com
3077 E. 98th Street
Suite 270
Carmel, IN 46280