When you are receiving letters from collection companies and are getting harassing phone calls from creditors you are probably feeling desperate to make it all stop. You may even feel tempted to dip into your retirement savings to pay off your debt and just make it go away! DON’T DO IT!
Reasons to leave your Retirement alone…
You need to realize all the potential implications of moving forward with raiding your IRA or 401k. Taking money out of your retirement fund in order to pay down debt can lead to negative consequences. For example, withdrawing money out of your retirement account may bring about tax penalties and other fees you aren’t expecting. This may put you in a worse situation than you were before.
Secondly, taking away from your future to deal with your present issues is short-sighted. You have spent years building up your retirement and that is not easily replaced. You may think paying off your debt with you retirement money is giving you the fresh start you desire, but you will still be behind because you will have to start your savings all over.
Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, retirement funds are almost always protected in a bankruptcy. This means, if you file bankruptcy and get rid of your debts, your retirement funds will stay intact, giving you peace of mind that you will have access to those funds in the future.
This option will truly give you the fresh start you desire!
Phone: 317-841-0315
Fax: 317-841-0758
Email: jtmlaw@hotmail.com
3077 E. 98th Street
Suite 270
Carmel, IN 46280